Patients with genu valgum typically complain of pain on the front or back of their legs, an awkward walking style, and painful joints around the knees. A biopsy of the bone is sometimes necessary but is rarely helpful and may actually worsen the condition. Furthermore, a biopsy can interfere with physical growth and the outcome of treatment. To rule out any underlying conditions, patients should be thoroughly examined by their doctor.
The most effective treatment for genu valgum is surgery. Surgical procedures may be necessary in severe cases, and may involve using a plate or staples to correct the knee angle. If nonsurgical treatment is unsuccessful, patients may opt for surgery to remove the bone. Orthotic braces can also be used as part of Genu Valgum Treatment. While there are no cures for this condition, it is possible to make life easier for the person with genu valgum.
A childhood deformity known as knock knees can be very painful and debilitating. A proper treatment for genu valgum will include the right nutrition, while avoiding too much or too little of certain vitamins and minerals. Treatment for this condition should be aimed at restoring normal growth and preventing irregular development. However, it is important to note that there are many treatments available, and it is important to choose one that is right for your child.
When diagnosed in adolescence, adolescent genu valgum may be hereditary or sporadic. Even so, its true incidence remains unclear. While this condition is a relatively common cause of anterior knee pain among teenagers, its treatment may be more complex for patients in their twenties and thirties. It is not at all unusual for predisposing conditions to emerge and worsen in patients who have this condition. If the patient is not treated, they may develop serious symptoms of malalignment, which will require surgery to correct.
Genu Valgum Treatment : What all it involves?
